In this week’s blog we are going to take a break from our regulatory series on Cannabis to discuss a prevalent health problem that most definitely has an adverse effect on the sufferer’s quality of life. Arthritis.
According to the CDC 23% of all adults in the US, or 54 million people, suffer from varying degrees of arthritis. About 24 million or almost 50% of those people are limited in their activities as a result of arthritis. That’s a lot of people.
So, this week we are going to take a closer look at the mechanics of arthritis and how CBD can potentially help.
What Is Arthritis?
All of us are familiar with arthritis in one form or another, particularly if you have spent any quality time around your grandparents or other elders in the family. But what is it actually and how does it work?
There are two primary forms of arthritis; Osteoarthritis or OA and rheumatoid arthritis RA. Osteoarthritis (OA), is also known as degenerative arthritis, is the most common form and occurs over time as a result of wear and tear on the bones and joints. It can be caused or exacerbated by broken or fractured bones or joints.
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) on the other hand is a long-term autoimmune disorder that effects the joints. RA is usually caused when your immune system attacks the lining surrounding your joints and causes them to become inflamed and sore. Unlike OA RA can lead to a variety of other health complications including carpal tunnel syndrome, heart disease and lung disease.
Both OA and RA are painful and can have a profoundly negative effect on the sufferer’s quality of life. There are pharmaceutical treatments for arthritis, but many have unpleasant side-effects. Others can take up to 6 months before they work effectively. Doctors almost uniformly recommend natural based therapies for long term relief.
Enter CBD
CBD has been proven to be effective as a pain reliever and as an anti-inflammatory agent. These are symptoms associated with both RA and OA. CBD is therefore effective in providing relief for both RA and OA.
A recent study has shown that CBD can be effective in humans against the inflammation associated with RA. Other animal based studies have also provided similarly promising results. The real “proof in the pudding though is in the overwhelming body of anecdotal evidence regarding the efficacy of CBD in treating arthritis. So much so that many doctors are happy to recommend CBD as a potential solution, provided it is used properly.
How to Do It Right?
The medical community is generally ok with recommending CBD, particularly in regard to arthritis. The recommendation however comes with specific advice.
First, CBD should not be used as the only solution for arthritis sufferers. It should be used as a supplement to other medicinal and therapeutic treatments. The patient should always inform their doctor of their intention to start integrating CBD into their daily regimen. Doctors also recommend ingestible CBD products as opposed to inhalants such as vapes or flower.
In regard to the CBD itself the medical community uniformly agrees that the CBD must be of the highest quality. This means clean lab tests from plant to oil. The focus should be on purity, potency and safety.
In Conclusion
There is still a lot of clinical research to be done in regard to CBD and arthritis. One thing is clear, it has helped countless sufferers of arthritis find relief without having to worry about debilitating pharmaceutical side-effects and that is a good thing. So, stop by the shop and pick up a tincture or salve or one of Chase’s totally amazing rose petal bath-bombs and see if that helps the aches that pain you. See you next week and have a most excellent weekend.